Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Looks good, taste good

If  I say Korea, what things would cross your mind?
Asian pop culture? plastic surgery?tasty noodles?

O Deng Jōn Gol: Fish Cake in Hot Soup

How about korean scrapbook?
this lovely traditional dress is made of paper! the number of sheets of
papers it all depends on how colorful you would like the traditional dress
to be usually a total of 4 sheets is enough to create one. The finished craft is
beautiful and three dimensional pink korean traditional dress,
which can be used to decorate a card or for scrapbooking.

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

"My Girlfriend is a Gumiho"

No Min Woo
Baru selesai nonton K-Drama yang judulnya "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho". Gumiho itu adalah sebutan Korea untuk rubah berekor sembilan. Awalnya lucu, tengah-tengah mengharukan, akhiran bahagia. :) Paling terpukau melihat penampilan No Min Woo. Cool, dan sedikit cantik, dengan pandangan mata yang tajam. Owh..owhh...melelehh..he.he.he.
Selain menonton film serialnya, aku juga mendownload full soundtracknya. Lagunya enak untuk didengarkan dan liriknya penuh makna. Main OST "Fox Rain", Dong Joo theme "Trap", Dae Woong theme "Losing My Mind" adalah yang paling kusuka.
Untuk download full ost